And this is what is what I finished off on Christmas Eve,
Eiffel from Knitty. I haven't bothered with the velvet ribbon trim but that's purely because I'm too lazy. I finished it in under a week, mainly because the only finishing off you have to do is a wee bit of grafting under the oxters (or in my case a 3-needle bind-off because I can't graft to save myself) and some sewing in of ends. I used up some Paton's 100% cotton DK in Foxglove that was in my stash from my brilliant sesh I had in Littlewood's when it closed down - 70p (35c) a ball (100g). Since it took 2 and a half balls that meant it has cost me the grand total of £2.10 to knit. We won't count the cost of the bamboo dpn's I bought to actually make it - that doesn't count!
That looks lovely . . . espcially knowing the cost! I bought the yarn called for and it set me back $99. Would rather have tossed the $4 away, but I can deal with it. Anything in particular you noticed about the pattern? I have been so scattered lately in my knitting that I can't seem to finish anything.
I actually found it a really easy pattern to get into the swing of but then I'm also a lover of lace so that might have had something to do with it. The only thing is that because mine is knit with cotton, and therefore no give, I just made doubly sure that I didn't cast off the neckline too tightly.
Your Eiffel is lovely! I am currently knitting it for the Sexy Knitter's Club KAL. I am using a cotton blend yarn from my stash that I got for a song when my LYS went out of business.
I am currently stuck on the 1st sleeve. Now it could be that I have never used dnps before or that this is my first official sweater, either way after my fourth try I am finally on my way!!
Thanks for the inspiration! Your Eiffel looks great, I just hope mine turns out as well!
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