She also put some lovely stitchmarkers in the parcel. I'll just have to make something to use them - that wedding shrug from Knitty is still shouting my name. That, or another Clapotis would suit them just lovely. I really need to get my arse in gear and sort out some treats for my Secret Pal. Work has kind of gotten in the way but I might nip into town tomorrow night for a couple of hours to see what I can find that I think she might like.

So pretty
I thought it was about time I updated the knitty content as I have been doing a few things. First on the list is the baby shawl. That has come to a bit of a standstill but I have every intention of getting it done before the baby goes off on a wee tour of Europe next month. Should help keep her cosy.

Baby shawl
Reveal is the only pattern I fancied out of this Rowan mag (is it no.33 or 34 - not sure) and isn't this shade of Cork absolutely scrummy. All purpley and pinky. Shame Rowan are discontinuing this yarn as it is lovely and soft. I'm just waiting for the sell off so I can pounce on some reduced price stocks.

Now this is something I'm attempting in Rowan's Cotton Braid that is being "developed" as it goes along. It could turn out lovely, it could be shite! Who know's but here's hoping it turns out quite lush. It looks quite lush knitted up.

Fantasy in orange!
And finally this is what I took with me offshore. If I'd known how long I was going to be out there I would have taken the shawl but c'est la vie! This is a lovely shade of Rowan Kid Classic (I seem to be having a bit of a Rowan spree at the moment which is not like me at all) and is so soft. I'm already thinking how cosy it's going to be when it's finished. When I was knitting this in the Rec Room offshore it did cause quite a few double takes as the guys came through the door but it also broke the ice and got them talking to me. There were a few requests for jumpers and socks after that but funnily enough I didn't take them up on it!

Turtleneck Shrug
Better go see how my man is getting on with his blockwork - the patio continues to take shape at a great pace. At the rate he's going we stand a good chance of getting to use it while we still have a summer! Fandabydoosie ye dancer!
I'm so pleased your wee parcel arrived ok and I especially like the colour of the cork yarn! You've certainly been busy offshore. Everyone is doing a shrug at the moment but yours is the first I've seen in progress on a circular needle.......that's got me thinking I must buy some more yarn (who needs excuses)!!
Opps - forgot to say that the last comment was from your Secret Pal (just in case you hadn't guessed)!!
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