A good day for post today as I received my parcel of wool won off Ebay. The most gorgeous skein of hand-dyed 4 ply yarn - a whole 750g of it for £15 including the postage. It was made all the better when I saw the label on it with an orginal sale price of £38. Definite bonus! The only thing that was a bit daunting was when I saw the size of the skein as I was wondering how the hell I was going to wind it up into balls until I thought "wait a minute, here's a use for Mr Orc". Who would have thought that a character from Lord of the Rings would be so useful in a knitting capacity. The skein lends itself to lovely delicate things but I have to do a few other things first.

Mr Orc helping!
Finished my leftovers vest at the weekend - still have to take photos of it so I can add it. Robert was even quite complimentary about it and said he liked it (shock! horror!). So could I sit with nothing to do for even a day or two - nope! I've got 3 balls of Jaeger Albany (in cream) which I got in a sale so using a fancy border out of my Nicky Epstein book, and a bit of thinking, I'm in the process of making a delicate camisole-type top. My first design from scratch in ages. Could be a disaster but then it could be rather lovely. We shall see how it goes...
My god!! How tall is Mr Orc?
He does take up quite a bit of space - he's 6 foot tall, made of plastic and steel. You get used to him and at least I've found a practical use for him now!
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