I feel knitty tonight
Well the Lucky Clover Wrap is storming off at a pretty phenomenal pace considering it's 4 ply and 3mm pins. So chuffed with my wool, it's really pretty to watch it growing into something while I'm knitting it. Lovely.

Lucky Clover Wrap - progress so far

Lucky Clover Wrap - close-up
I'm still trying to finish off my leafy camisole at the same time as I'd like to get it out of the way so I can concentrate solely on the wrap. Think I'm about to go upstairs and veg along to Fame Academy and just knit away to my heart's content.
I've made my plans for my birthday treat. Folk are coming round earlier on the Sat afternoon so we can go a walk down to the beach - my beach! Well, it's not a section other folk make it to anyway. Then we can all come back to the house and have loads of cakes and other fancies (the Orcadian expression for homebakes). Why should I get myself all het up trying to find somewhere that does a proper high tea when I can do just as good a job myself - probably better than some. I get to bake for loads of people so that keeps me happy.
Just finished one of the best books I've read in ages - Stella Duffy "Parallel Lies". A fantastic twist to the plot that you really didn't see coming. Loved it. Och weel - time to go play with my wool...nighty night!
I love the colors and the way the striping is working out! It looks like you are doing something much more complex than the actual pattern. I can't wait to see it finished!
Wow, I did not realize that you were using variegated yarn... I really like the results! Glad you are enjoying it!
LollyKnitting Around
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