We had a bit of a tidy-up sesh on Friday which has created a totally new space in the house. The last of the bogging carpets got thrown out the window in the upstairs bedroom along with the majority of the furniture. We've got a lot more firewood now! Robert has plans (!) for the room which mainly entail the creation of a games room but it's also turned into much more of a crafty corner for me. One of the few pieces of furniture that didn't get the chuck was my 50's kitchen cabinet that stores most of my wool, material, needles and photography stuff. Not letting that go - no chance. The sofa bed is in there so I can sit up there away from the Xbox if I feel like it. Mr Orc has moved upstairs but that is mainly so we could fit the pinball machine into the office. We have it on a long-term loan until Dennis can get round to selling it. I have been very good and not played it yet as I just know I'll get addicted to it if I start.
So I had a sort out of my stash and I'm now thinking what do I make next with what I've got. I also need to get some 2ply to make a baby shawl before mid-May for a friend's baby. So what with finishing Lucky Clover, learning to crochet (going not too badly now that Theresa has shown me a few places where I was going wrong) and making the shawl I should be reasonably busy for the next wee while. And I've still got some birthday pennies to spend to so more stuff will be making it's way to my house. What fun and jolly hockysticks to be had by all - well me anyway!

Some of the current stash
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