And the birthday shenanigans have finally calmed down after all my running around. It was fun though. Mum did a pile of baking and took that up with her and then I spent a bit of time Friday doing another shedload of baking to fill up the table for Saturday afternoon. On the actual birthday (Thurs) myself and Mum just went into town, had lunch and played at dressing up in the shops (i.e. trying on stuff we can't normally afford). Robert made a lovely roast pheasant for tea and I was throughly pampered over all.
Saturday I was pampered all over again and got more pressies. I got a lovely bag from Vicki that has been designated a "knitting bag" plus a brilliant retro tacky crochet book. Dead cool!

Knitting bag from Vicki
Robert was a total star, of course, and did as he was told so I got two brilliant pressies from him. A Rowan membership and a set of Denise knitting needles. I can't wait to take the Denise needles to Stitch'n'Bitch tomorrow night. I think quite a few might want to play with them - being a new toy and all!

Rowan free gift via Robert

Denise knitting needles
Rhonda and Gus gave me a lovely bunch of tulips and there were more flowers from Andrea and the kids as well. Of course I couldn't say no to all the chocolate that came my way as well. I really was spolit which was lovely.

Pretty flowers from Rhonda
The girlies (plus Dennis and Vinnie) meandered off down the beach to get the appetite kick-started. A'body seemed to be quite impressed with my "private" beach. It is rather lovely. Not as nice as an Orkney or West Coast beach but it's accessible and you never meet anyone else there so it suits me just dandy!

Birthday beach walk
As far as knitting goes I've been storming on with my Lucky Clover Wrap and I've got the back finished. The neck decreases on the right front are storming away now as well so I don't reckon it should take too long to do the whole thing. I just can't get over how quickly it knits up considering the ply and needle size. And it's so pretty. When we had a "let's have a look at all Maureen's vintage clothes and crafty stash" on Saturday night (a few beers and wines had been consumed) I was getting quite a few compliments on things I'd made and things I was planning seemed to generate the same level of interest. I have booked myself a few more Clapotis as well I reckon after I said to Karen that I'd make her a wrap for Rhonda's wedding. Since it's so easy to knit it won't exactly be a hardship.

Lucky Clover - close-up

Lucky Clover - back
I can safely say I've definitely had the best birthday in years and feel the most positive overall that I've been in a I don't know how long. Things are happening, things are changing, and things are heading in a way I'm happy to go. Long may it continue!