Thursday, 19 January 2006

Hoot's mon, there's a moose...loose...aboot this hoose!

Being a proud Scot (and even prouder Orcadian - they are very different, I shall explain someday) I thought it was time to bring attention to the national sport of haggis hunting. We all know the basics about the haggis - it's an elusive creature, 2 legs shorter than the other so it can run quickly round the hills, tartan ribbons, etc, etc. Awfully tasty if you can get hold of a wild one compared with a farmed haggis. To help in the endeavour of finding the wee beastie you can go online to hunt haggis, especially convenient for those ex-pat Scots who are unable to track them in their adopted countries. To join in the Haggis Hunt just click here.

Good luck!

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