And last night I couldn't keep my hands off the Hip Knits silk I got from my Secret Pal any longer. It called out to me and said "make me into a One Skein Wonder" - so I did. And there's still loads of it left for a Clapotis. Perfect to go with my outfit for the couple of weddings I have in a couple of months. So pretty and so, so, so soft. Just lush!


I simply love your OSW Maureen. I've been planning on doing one for a while but I'm a very slow knitter - it'll be winter by the time I finish one. I'm glad you've put the silk to good use. Another parcel will be on it's way soon once I've gathered a few more goddies! Enjoy!
You still got any of that silk left or have you fondled it to death? The way you were maltreating it on Thursday it had every right to have you before the magistrate for harassment :-)
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